Tuesday, 10 June 2008

Voices of the World - May task

Having missed a few tasks, I'm really pleased that the Whitehouse Common Primary have contributed to this month's task for Voices of the World.

The May task is the last one for this academic year and is based around saying Goodbye.

Firstly, we recorded a goodbye greeting in Spanish using Voki-

Get a Voki now!

Then we went around the school taking snapshots to show the other participants what our school is like. We uploaded them to Photostory3 to make a slideshow.

Finally, 4AT listened to and watched all the Voki produced by the other participants and, using the microphone on my laptop (still having issues with microphones at school), recorded the various greetings. And what a great job they did!

Once we'd added a funky soundtrack, the presentation was completed and uploaded to Teachertube for all to see!

Here it is - hope you enjoy it!


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