Wednesday, 30 April 2008

Los pollitos dicen...

As part of QCA Unit 11, El Carnaval de los animales, 4AT have been learning a song that may yet replace La Vaca Lola in their affections. Well perhaps not, but it's quite popular!

Here's the video from Youtube - I've downloaded it, converted it via Zamzar and uploaded it to the school network so that everyone can access it (and other things). Youtube is not currently blocked, but you can never be sure how long that will last.

Finishing off a display based on the topic - come back soon for the pictures!

Tuesday, 29 April 2008

International Links @Beaumanor Hall

I spent this afternoon at the aptly named Beaumanor Hall near Loughborough in the company of teachers of pupils with special needs, drawn from both special and mainstream schools. I had been asked by the British Council to present a case study on eTwinning as part of the afternoon's proceeding led by Lorna Belsey and Tom Birtwistle, and I was happy to do so.

After a delicious lunch - my healthy first course of mackerel and salad was followed by not-so-healthy bread and butter pudding - although the bread seemed to be brown so that must be good??- we adjourned to the ICT suite where Lorna explained Comenius and the ISA awards. Then it was by go to present a case study about last year's project at WCPS - Somos lo que celebramos - and to share some ideas of how eTwinning might work for them, and some ideas of tools that could be used.

You can access the presentation and some of the documents in a previous post, but here are some links that I mentioned that you might wish to investigate.

British Council website
eTwinning home page
eTwinning portal

Whitehouse Common Primary School website
Colegio Público César Hurtado Delicado website (etwinning section)


Voices of the World wiki of previous months' activities
Euro 08 project

David S Stewart's interview about Special Schools and eTwinning
Nick Falk and Anne Jakins' presentation about eTwinning at Sackville School (with SEN pupils)

Wishing you all happy eTwinning! :o)

Sunday, 27 April 2008

Slidecast of Ten top Tips for PLL (Language World 2008)

I've been posting powerpoints to Slideshare for a while, first pointed in that direction by Chris Fuller (I think) in the days when he was just a name to me, not the fun person I now know! I knew that it was possible to make a Slidecast, combining audio and presentation but hadn't made one ....
until yesterday!

I recorded the London ALL Show and Tell at Language World on my iRiver - and so did Joe Dale. I just fancied hearing what other people said - as well as checking out how I sound recorded (very odd is the answer, and not at all as I hear myself!) After the event, Joe mentioned in a Skype chat that he had edited his version of the audio and thought that I should make a Slidecast of it with the presentation I had prepared. As I had lost the lead for my iRiver, I said I'd do it when I found the offending item. (Still haven't found it but the lead from our camcorder works - in case anyone else has the same problem)

This week, I received a message from Joe saying that he'd send me the audio so I could do my Slidecast. As it's necessary to have the audio file saved online somewhere, and Blogger doesn't have that facility, Joe kindly hosted it on his blog and I set about my challenge!

Basically, you upload your presentation to Slideshare - already done!
You click on 'make Slidecast' and enter the URL of the audio.
The audio track then appears under the Slideshow and you can decide how you want to synch the slides with the audio - equally spaced or, as in my case, to coincide with when I turned the page to the next slide.
Then you save it and there you have it - a Slidecast.

I found out that I had stretched my 7 minutes to over 10, ( sorry Nick!) that I spent a long time on the first few slides and not very long at all on the later ones as I ran out of time, that i talk very fast, and that my ears don't hear what everyone else hears.

I also discovered that making a Slidecast is easy peasy lemon squeezy - and I'll be doing it again in the near future.

Here it is - it features the lovely aforementioned Mr Fuller singing!!

PS just noticed that it's already been viewed 51 times - that's pretty impressive. Let's hope all those who watched it have gained something and will put even one of the ideas into practice.

Saturday, 26 April 2008

I've been hit 4000 times!

Educational Block 4 zero zero house 0
Whilst fiddling with my blog today, my hit counter reached the 4000 hits mark. Not quite as impressive as Joe Dale's 100,000 I know, but I'm still very pleased with 4000 since ¡Vámonos! started at the end of October 2007. Here's to reaching 5000 by the end of the summer term!

Unfortunately I was occupied by saving and reinstalling widgets when the counter tipped the magic 4000 so I didn't get a screen shot - so here's an image from Spell with Flickr , a site with which I love to play.

Friday, 25 April 2008

Name that avatar!

After I posted Joe's quiz yesterday, I had an exchange of comments with Langwitch about how tricky it is was to name all the bloggers from their photos with so many people using avatars.

My obsession with widgets and avatars is well known (and well documented on this blog) but less is known about my love of quizzes and very competitive streak!

So, combining the two, here's my version. Let's see how 'Joe's best class' as José put it yesterday in a comment on Joe's post, you get on with this.

(apologies to those who I've missed - any more avatars to declare?)

Thursday, 24 April 2008

5MW on Podomatic!

Click here to get your own player.

5MW have been working on QCA Spanish Unit 14 Soy el músico this half term and today we gave our opinions about types of music. I thought after we'd sung our song and revised opinions and shared our reasons that they'd make posters to show their pinions - displays need changing!

But I felt like being different today!

So out came my laptop from home and my head / microphone combo. I set it up in the book corner and, having set the rest of the class off on their RE webquest about what priests do, I invited anyone interested to pop over to the recording booth and, using Audacity, record their opinion in Spanish.

I was so glad I did it as everyone of the volunteers enjoyed the experience, and the looks on their faces as they listened to themselves played back were priceless.

Zach's comment made me laugh and cry at the same time!
As he listened to himself back, he said
'Miss, have you done something to my voice?- I sound Spanish.'
I assured him that I couldn't do that, and that the voice he heard was him -
'That can't be me Miss'

So, I've spent the evening uploading all the soundfiles to our Podomatic account (signed up last July and didn't put anything on it until today!) and above is the first set of WCPS Spanish podcasts. Please leave comments if you wish - the pupils will be very encouraged (as will I!) I'm expecting more volunteers next week - we ran out of time today and one of the quietest girls in the class is first in the queue for next week!

MFL Bloggers

Joe Dale of Integrating ICT into the MFL Classroom fame has been playing around with a new tool called MyStudiyo and come up with a quiz.
It's based on MFL bloggers - multiple choice with four names to choose from for each photograph, so even if you don't know the answer, you can guess.
Being a girly whirly swot, I got full marks - how will you fare?
PS I'm in it but the less said about the picture, the better ;o)

Monday, 21 April 2008

Meme - Passion Quilt

I've finally got around to responding to being tagged for the Passion Quilt meme - not once, but FIVE times!
This meme, started by Miguel Guhlin , asks people to consider what their passion in education is, find an image that encapsulates it and explain their passion.
So, thanks to @theokk , @moodlehotpotato, @ajep, @langwitch and @ahenderson, here's my passion.

Entitled Happy Colourful Girl, this picture is described as follows:
'I just gave the girls poster paint with no rules...I told them they were free to paint themselves any way they wanted and they were given clean white T-shirts to wear and use as napkins! They had such fun...what you see is the result of pure child's rules :) '

Whilst I don't think we should abandon the rules completely, this image for me sums up how I think teaching and learning should be -

  • colourful, full of vibrancy and life
  • child led
  • fun
  • exciting and thrilling
  • offering challenges and activities that inspire creativity
  • memorable experiences.

I loved going to school - I'd fight my parents to let me go when I was ill. You may think that's odd, and it possibly is, but that's what I want for my children - my own and the ones I teach - to enjoy the time they spend at school, learning so much more than how to read and write, experiencing a wide spectrum of activities and wanting to come back day after day to find out more.

Some of you might have expected me to choose something Spanish - and I could easily have done so as nothing stirs me quite like it - but my passion goes deeper than that into all areas of teaching and learning - not being restricted to one subject but encompassing all.

So there you have it!

Now to tag five more people (hopefully who haven't already been tagged!)

1.Leanne Simmonds
2.Rachel Hawkes
3.Dave Stacey
4.Sharon Tonner
5.Adam Sutcliffe


1. Think about what you are passionate about teaching your students.
2. Post a picture from a source like FlickrCC or Flickr Creative Commons or make/take your own that captures what YOU are most passionate about for kids to learn about…and give your picture a short title.
3. Title your blog post “Meme: Passion Quilt” and link back to this blog entry.
4. Include links to 5 folks in your professional learning network or whom you follow on Twitter/Pownce etc.

Have fun :o)

Sunday, 20 April 2008

Reflecting on Language World.

Better late than never!

It's a week since Language World and I have sat down each day intending to blog about it, but everytime I've had to do something else first and the post hasn't materialised. It's not that I haven't got anything to say, it's more that there was so much to assimilate that it's not something I could do in five minutes! Anyway - here are my impressions.

Kathy Wickstead shared thoughts on the new KS3 curriculum - things that stood out for me were Sir Christopher Maynard's comment that 'it's inviting teachers to be bold' and also Kathy's parting comment - 'we're being offered an opportunity with this new curriculum - can we afford NOT to take it?' Check out for all you need to know about the new secondary curriculum for languages - worth it for primary language teachers too so as to understand 'what happens next'. On the same (ish) subject, Mick Waters spoke really clearly and sensibly about the new curriculum and the 'big picture'. He seems so passionate and completely committed to the vision of a modern world class curriculum that it's not hard to catch his vision.

Ewan McIntosh once more challenged and inspired me with his ideas on using technology in language teaching. This time, Thinking out of the XBox suggested ways in which gaming might be used to inspire and encourage creativity in the language classroom. My son was particularly looking forward to me attending this seminar as I bought a Nintendo DS last year following Ewan's seminar at Language world and he was hoping for a similar result this year, possibly a Wii? Alas for 9 year old, no such recommendation, but he is awaiting the arrival of Myst and Nintendogs from Amazon, and has had a good nose at Samorost (he's become my chief researcher ;o) Using clips from Youtube and Tim Rylands' website, Ewan made a great case for being innovative and creative, tapping into what pupils are familiar with and enjoy with the purpose of achieving a greater variety and richness of learning experience and outcome. Check out his blog for his notes - and much more to make you think!

Wendy Adeniji as always shared some brilliant ideas and resources for making the language classroom interactive and fun, specifically based on Rhymes songs and sounds to teach phonics.
Wendy showed how simple rhymes can be learned off by heart and recited, and links made with other vocabulary that contains specific phonemes. I always look forward to wnedy's seminars as her ideas are easy to implement and very practical.
She recommended a number of artists' music; for French, Ilona Mitrecy and Henri Des as well as the adorable Pigloo! For Spanish she suggested José Luis Orozco and for German, Detlef Jöcker and Rolf Zuckowski.

Bev Whiteside, Development coordinator for Languages and Sport from the Youth Sports Trust presented on making links between sports and language. A language teacher before joining the YST, Bev talked about the obvious attractions and benefits of sport and the potential links that could be made in terms of skills, values, pedagogy and context. She presented some brief case studies to demonstrate each point, ranging from teaching handball through Spanish, the Young Language Leaders award, creating a fitness DVD in French prior to a skiing trip and a subtitled video giving information about healthy eating and sporting facilities. You can read about some of Bev's work in a book published by YST.

Day 2 brought Steven Fawkes' Language Learners being creative with language, including sign language, Russian numbers with actions ( I tried it out on a Russian pupil I teach and she was impressed!) and things to do with a pear! Learned lots and had a good giggle too -the mysterious disappearance of Steven's trousers last year featured large too - perhaps they're the same place as my hairbrush that disappeared in Oxford?? There's a chorister somewhere with very well groomed hair ;o)

I was also pleased to hear an update on the videoconferencing project at Tile Hill Wood in Coventry where Ana Neofitou delivers language lessons to local primaries via a videolink. I attended a session last year introducing the project which seems a very effective way of building capacity in primary languages as the class teacher facilitates within the classroom and works closely with Ana and her colleagues on what is delivered, and how it can be followed up during the time between lessons.

And then the ALL London Show and Tell session - I shared the 'stage' with Stephane Derone (authentic resources), Nick Mair (learning styles and gender differences), Monna Brown (motivation) and Helen Myers (using song) - all members of ALL London so I was a bit of an interloper! I delivered my Top ten tips for Primary Languages in a little over my alloted 7 minutes I think (sorry -I talked as fast as I could!) You can download the presentation below (if the songs links don't work, let me know!) And when I find the lead for my iRiver, I'll make a Slidecast!

But of course, there is more to Language World than the seminars! I love conferences for the 'formal' learning but, as anyone who has met me will testify, I love to talk. And talk I did - incessantly! I met old friends like Joe Dale, Lesley Welsh, Ewan McIntosh, Chris Fuller and Rachel Hawkes, made new ones like Nick Brown and José Picardo and generally talked to anyone who'd listen! Much fun was had at the wine tasting - I think I hold the record for the most Heinneman coffee mugs acquired in half an hour (not all for me!) followed by a quick visit to the pub before the wine reception and dinner. This was followed by bellydancing - no photos have yet appeared (thank goodness!) but I hear we were a sight to behold! Bed was finally reached in the early hours - I just didn't want to miss a moment of the fun!

Last year I went to Language World wanting to find new ideas - and I was inspired as I told Joe Dale when he VoxPop-ed me! This year I went with the same purpose, but I reflected as I arrived just how far I'd come in a year. Last year I had just learned how to write articles on our school website. I've now got a blog, spoken at a number of conferences, attended eTwinning conferences as an ambassador, am becoming ever more techno-savvy and am employing all kinds of new ideas in my teaching! The pupils at school associate language learning with using technology, with doing new and exciting things, and with having fun. And several people came up to me and said how much they'd enjoyed reading my blog or hearing me speak, and how helpful the ideas I'd shared had been - that made me want to sing and dance!

Here are my pictures - started off well but got distracted by talking (surprise surprise!) so you can find more here, listen to VoxPops and read what Joe and José and others had to say about LW2008.

Roll on 2009!

Friday, 18 April 2008

Inspiring Young International Leaders

These young people were at the International Opportunities conference today. They are from five local secondary schools and were there to explain their experience of an international project called INDIE - Inclusion and Diversity in Education.

'Inclusion & Diversity in Education is a project that addresses the challenges migration presents to schools in Europe.'
'The impact of migration on schools presents similar challenges to school education at all levels in all European Countries. We want to combat social disadvantage and raise educational standards for students with migration backgrounds. In order to succeed, we need to develop effective and culturally inclusive schools. To achieve this we need high quality school leadership.'
(from British Council site)

They explained how they had been chosen to take part in the project as they had shown leadership skills at school and been invited to take part in training in Sutton Park on teamwork and leading people. They were then selected to take part in a conference in Brussels in February with similar young leaders from across Europe to discuss a common charter for Inclusion and Diversity. As part of the conference, they presented in the European Parliament where they received a standing ovation.

The young people above shared their thoughts and experiences today of the project. One commented on the issues they discovered through the conference such as a young lady from Belgium being banned from wearing her headscarf who was working for a change in that area. Another talked about making an effort to understand people who didn't speak English. And the lad in the middle commented that, whilst in Brussels, he spoke to people to whom he wouldn't normally have paid any attention - he described one encounter 'I'm not sure what he was,....some kind of Goth.... and I definitely wouldn't have spoken to him in Birmingham.'

Although nervous, they spoke with honesty and simplicity - and they inspired us all. Let's hope that there will be many more young leaders who look to lead the way for inclusion and diversity in this country.

Note - I'm trying to get hold of a copy of the Charter -I'll post it here when I have it!

eTwinning case study - WCPS and CPCHD

Today I took part in a conference in the Banqueting Suite of Birmingham's Council House about the International Opportunities, presenting a case study as part of a presentation on Comenius and eTwinning along with Simon Graham from the British Council and Paul Higgs from Belvedere Junior School in Burton on Trent.

For those of you who attended the session, here's my presentation - especially if you attended the first version when I had to fit it all into 3 minutes ;o)
I've also uploaded a couple of examples of work that the pupils did as part of the project. More can be found on our school websites - WCPS and CPCHD.

If you have any questions, you're welcome to contact me.

4KP Easter ppt (RE) - Get more documents

1HJ Easter PPT (music) - Get more documents

4CT Easter PPT (maths) - Get more documents

questions for cpchd - Get more documents

The ws of etwinning at wcps - Get more documents

example of pancake day work - Get more documents


I have to confess that I am a bit of a fan of the Eurovision Song Contest. Admittedly it has more to do with Terry Wogan's hilarious commentary and the even more hilarious subtitling mistakes made by Ceefax than the music but I do enjoy some of the offerings from our European neighbours. Whilst the British entry gets more bizarre and desperate by the year (see Daz whatever-his-name-was in 2006 and Scooch last year!), I used to look forward to the Spanish entry.

This year, it has been brought to my attention by Ben Curtis that it's not exactly the kind of song I've come to expect - Baila el ChikiChiki by Rodolfo Chikilicuatre may well be very catchy and will probably be the hit of the summer like Macarena by Los Rio, Asereje by Los Ketchup or Saturday Night by Whigfield but it has some decidedly dodgy words and I'm a bit concerned at the prospect of being asked to translate it come September when all the pupils return from their continental holidays! And is this really the best Spain has to offer?

Having said that, Ireland (with their proud tradition of Dana and Johnny Logan) are being represented by a turkey and you could say that the British entry is a turkey so perhaps it's a sign that I should find something more interesting to do come 24th May - I'll be in Spain so I'm sure the Chiringuito Ana y Antonio will be enjoying my custom :o)

Back to more important and relevant matters later!

Wednesday, 16 April 2008

Linking art and language learning.

I've mentioned before how I think that language learning should not be a stand alone but creatively integrated into the curriculum. Today I've been alerted to a couple of videos that I can see being used to do just that, using works of art as the stimulus for speaking activities.

Helen Myers (of ALL President and MFLResources fame) passed on a tip from Glynis Rumley about Women in Art, a lovely video compilation of many female faces from works of art morphing into one another.

The information on Youtube about it says -
500 Years of Female Portraits in Western Art
Music: Bach's Sarabande from Suite for Solo Cello No. 1 in G Major, BWV 1007 performed by Yo-Yo Ma
Nominated as Most Creative Video
2007 YouTube Awards
For a complete list of artists and paintings visit

Helen asked for ideas of how this could be exploited. One answer suggested using it as an 'observation' piece on which you ask questions at the end along the lines of How many brunettes? How many blondes? How many earrings? How many faces? What is the most popular eye colour/dress colour? How many hats? Or you could use the stills of the individual pictures from the site above - pupils choose one to describe then communicate the description to a partner / group who have to pick the correct portrait. Or, if they're up for it, draw the portrait then compare to the original.

Along these lines, I found this video on Teachertube called Mona et Paloma. A class use the Mona Lisa by Leonardo DaVinci and Paloma by Picasso as the stimuli for a speaking activity. Having drawn their own versions of the portraits, they imagine that Mona and Paloma are members of their families, describing them in as much detail as they can in French. Adds interest to the sometimes tame and boring, and potentially touchy subject of families.

And whilst I was there, I came across the following video - similar to Women in Art, but solely about Picasso. It could be used in a similar way to the above videos - descriptions, family members etc, and also for cultural awareness of the life and times of a Spanish artist, linked to the art curriculum.

Any more ideas of activities, or suggestions of other video clips you've discovered of a similar vein?

PS more ideas on integrating art and languages in Mira Miró.

Tuesday, 15 April 2008

Fun with Spanish

I love singing and enjoy using song in my lessons. I've written before about the values of using song, rhyme and rhythm to aid learning whilst having fun. Although I'm not averse to making up my own songs, I'm always on the lookout for more songs to add to my repertoire.

In the summer I purchased a CD from Early Learning Centre called Fun with Spanish.
It has traditional songs from Spain (such as Tengo una muñeca) and England (such as Polly put the kettle on) sung in the original language but also translated into the other language. This is good as the tunes are familiar and the gist of the song already known to the pupils, meaning they have no hang ups about meaning.

The CD costs £5 - quite reasonable I think! And if you want to use it, here are the animated presentations I've made to go with the traditional English songs in Spanish plus the concluding rap.

Uno_ dos_ tres_ cuatro_ - Get more documents

El barco zarpó - Get more documents

Lingo rap - Get more documents

Me pongo de pie - Get more documents

Polly pon agua a hervir - Get more documents

En la parada - Get more documents

Monday, 14 April 2008


One of the disadvantages of a Blogger blog is that you can't upload documents to it as you can in say Typepad blogs. I've managed to 'get around' the problem by using My Box of Goodies as a repository in my sidebar.

Having read a post by Adam Sutcliffe, I thought I'd give .DocStoc a try. As Adam explains,
' You can use Docstoc to embed any .doc, .pdf, .xls, .ppt into any website which will allow embed codes. You can also change the settings of the embed. It's also free to sign up and all you really need is a username a password and and email address.'

So I uploaded a Powerpoint - my own take on Go away Big Green Monster! and had a go at embedding it below - let's see!

Señor Cabeza Naranja - Get more documents

I know that I can do this with Slideshare for Powerpoints, so I'll try a .doc as well!
Here's the 1,2,3 Chocolate rhyme I love to use with KS1 and Foundation.

Bate bate, chocolate - Get more documents

I'm impressed - didn't even need to log in (although I will now so my name goes on my resources :o) )

PS I did have to fiddle with the size of the embedded documents after I published as they covered the sidebar - but I managed to teak the embed code - I'm learning :o)

Thursday, 10 April 2008

Off to Oxford!

No, I've not decided to go back to university, nor been bitten by the urge to row (although if it meant getting near to Matthew Pinsent, I'd grab those oars like a shot!)

Tomorrow I'm off to Oxford for Language World, the Association of Language Learning's annual conference. Officially spread over two days, the fun and games actually start this evening with an event at the OUP bookshop, from 7pm, followed by a meal for those who have already arrived in Oxford. The official site says
'Join us for a glass of wine : the perfect start to your conference and a great way to meet your fellow delegates while browsing in a relaxed atmosphere. There will also be some great special offers available. Anyone attending the conference is welcome, as are ALL members and all languages teachers and lecturers who live in Oxford or nearby.'

So if you meet the criteria, off you go!

I'm looking forward to two days of interesting exciting and inspiring PD - if it's anything like last year, I'll be exhausted but buzzing by the time I get home on Saturday night. It was really hard to choose my sessions, although 9 year old insisted I went to Ewan McIntosh's seminar- last year, he inspired me to buy a NintendoDS - my son wants to know if I could be persuaded to buy a Wii this year?? Actually, didn't need much persuading! I'm also looking forward to the followup to a session I attended last year on using videoconferencing at Tile Hill Wood School and Language College to deliver PLL to feeder schools, and also to Stephen Fawkes' session on learners being creative with language.

I'm also excited about being invited to take part in the London ALL Branch Show and Tell on Saturday by the President of ALL , no less, Helen Myers - I feel like I've been invited to a Royal garden party but without the need for a hat :o) I'll be talking about my blog, and sharing tips and ideas for creative PLL.

And of course, the chance to meet friends, old and new is a big draw. Last year I missed the dinner as I decided to appease Mr Lisibo and spend a night away with him - but only succeeded in getting two enormous blisters on my feet as I insisted that my shoes were comfortable enough to walk in (underestimating the 4 miles I needed to walk back to the hotel) then keeping him awake telling him about all the things I'd learned. So this year, off to the dinner for me.

So see you in Oxford Joe, Chris, Marie-France, Lesley, Rachel, José, Helen, Ewan and Quentin et al. No doubt missed someone but that's who I know is going!

If you're an NQT or student teacher, you could get in for free - have a look here for details!

PS Find out what I thought about last year's Language World - pre-blog and pre-NintendoDS!

Monday, 7 April 2008

Prague photos from Flickr

I had made a lovely Photostory of my photos but it wouldn't upload, so I was pleased to find I could use Splashr to put this slideshow of my Flickr photos on here for you. Enjoy!

Sunday, 6 April 2008

Back from Prague!

I am now home from my three day visit to Prague for an eTwinning PDW on training teachers. I had a great time, made lots of friends, laughed a lot, talked incessantly, drank significant quantities of beer, got lost, saw the most beautiful buildings and sights ..... and worked hard too!

Here's an advertisement for eTwinning made by my group, the Turquoise Delights, as part of the workshop.

If you want to find out more about what we did in Prague, visit the Prague PDW wiki space and see what each group has added to their page by clicking on the coloured rectangles. I'll write more about it later when I've had time to reflect!

And, just to show I have a sense of humour, here's another clip from the PDW as a Czech pupil is interrogated by a Kate Adie wannabe ;o) Enjoy!

Wednesday, 2 April 2008

Dali in Prague

Dali in Prague, originally uploaded by George*50.

Whilst searching for a picture for my previous post, i came across this one. As a fan of Dalís clocks and a soon to be fan(?) of Prague, I thought I'd share it with you. You can view the 'real' clock in Prague here and have a look at it in a computer simulation programme.
It's an astronomical clock showing the current state of the universe at any point in time for six hundred years - sounds very impressive!

And, in case you're stuck for a craft project to keep the kids amused, here are instructions on how to make your own Dalí clock- anyone got a 12" ?

I'm off to Prague

Hradcany, Prague, originally uploaded by stevacek.

Tomorrow I'm off to Prague for an eTwinning Professional Development Workshop (PDW). I'm very much looking forward to it as I had a great time on the last one in Nottingham, and also as Prague is a place I've always fancied visiting!
I hope to meet up with lots of other eTwinning Ambassadors from across Europe and share ideas and experiences of making cross country links. No doubt I'll tell you all about next week when I return.
And there is a four hour sightseeing tour to anticipate too as well as dinner on a boat. All work and no play .... ;o)

Photo from Flickr

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