Tuesday, 20 November 2007

Let's get active! RSG notes

Today's ELL RSG in Birmingham is entitled Let's get active! and I'm presenting ideas for activities using Songs and Rhymes , and also Parachutes.

I've uploaded my presentations to My Box of Goodies (see right) along with some of the materials I'm using. I've done this so that people that were at the RSG can download them but also to give access to those that weren't there - I'm not averse to sharing! I'm also conscious that giving people handouts is lovely but they often get filed away and forgotten - hopefully by encouraging people to be proactive and download the materials they are more likely to use them. And if they don't want them, I've not caused the death of another small forest ;o)

A couple of links -
the parachute stuff is heavily inspired by the work of Daryl Bailey and co at Hove Park School - have a look at their website
You can download their parachute materials in Spanish, French and German from there!
And the materials for Le fermier dans son pré are available from Maternelle de Moustache
by clicking on F. There are lots of other materials there too for stories and songs as well as craft activities.


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